

RESEARCH at the 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2020)

From the 16th to the 18th of March 2020, RESEARCH will participate at the Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2020). To know more about the event, please visit the official web-site at
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On the 13th November 2019, RESEARCH was presented at ASITA 2019 ( with the talk “Valutare il rischio in aree archeologiche: il progetto RESEARCH (Remote Sensing techniques for Archaeology)”. RESEARCH thanks ASITA 2019 for the organization of the event and the opportunity to participate.
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RESEARCH First Annual Meeting

The 6th of November RESEARCH partners have met in Athens to discuss the project's first-year progress. The rich agenda included the Coordinator's report on deliverables status, milestones, management issues, and project implementation activities, such as joint collocations for secondments, advisory board definition, and the end-user workshop. Nevertheless, the core of...
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RESEARCH will participate in ASITA2019

From the 12th to the 14th November 2019, RESEARCH will be present at ASITA 2019, the annual conference organized by the Federazione italiana delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali. The conference will be held in Trieste (Italy) at the Stazione marittima. For further information visit the official...
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Soon the First Annual Meeting of RESEARCH

The 6th and the 7th of November will be held in Athens the first Annual Meeting of RESEARCH project. The event is reserved to the Consortium. Partners will discuss main achievement of the first year of activity and future research steps.
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GSH, ALMA & UNITUS in Falerii Novi

On the 7th of October 2019, GSH, ALMA, and UNITUS met in Falerii Novi for a site inspection. Archaeologists from Università della Tuscia and Alma showed to the CEOs of ALMA and GSH the major issues related to the risk assessment of soil erosion and land movement to the site....
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First Summer School and progress meeting

The First Summer School of RESEARCH has been organized by CUT and has run from the 21st to the 27th of May 2019. The First Summer School aimed at giving to participant the basic knowledge on factors threatening cultural heritage, risk assessment methodology, and how to write a H2020 proposal....
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The program of the First Summer School of RESEARCH is now on-line!

Published the definitive schedule of the First Summer School of RESEARCH, which will be held in Limassol at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT, Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 30, 3036 Limassol) from the 21st to the 27th of May 2019. The program includes lectures, hands-on training and a field trip to the archaeological site of Amathous,...
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First technical meeting

The 11th January 2019 has been held in Athens the First Technical meeting of project RESEARCH. Partners participated to discuss methodological and technical issues. In particular, it was presented a proposal for risk assessment methodology and technical aspects of soil erosion, land movement and land use assessment. The discussion also...
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Kick-off Meeting

The 21st November has been held in Brussels the kick off meeting of RESEARCH (Remote Sensing techniques for Archaeology), that will run from November 2018 to October 2022. After a brief introduction by the Project Coordinator (UNITUS) and the presentations of partners participating in the consortium, partners discuss project work...
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